GPS Dashboard



檔案大小:60.8 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.11.6 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


GPS Dashboard(圖1)-速報App

GPS Dashboard displays navigation information from a serially connected GPS (GNSS) device on the Mac.

GPS Dashboard(圖2)-速報App

The US GPS system, Russian GLONASS system, and EU Galileo system are all supported.

GPS Dashboard(圖3)-速報App

Gauges display track direction and speed, and digital readouts display latitude, longitude, altitude, max and average speeds, and time. Graphs plot real-time speed and altitude. An odometer provides a display of distance travelled. The dashboard also shows which satellites are being tracked, and if the GPS has a 3D fix.

GPS Dashboard(圖4)-速報App

A sky-view plots position history of tracked satellites and provides an azimuth/elevation cursor. The positions of the sun and the moon are also shown, and the moon phase is illustrated.

GPS Dashboard(圖5)-速報App

A real-time plot tracks satellite signal strength over time.

GPS Dashboard(圖6)-速報App

GPS Dashboard has integrated maps from several online map providers including OpenStreetMap, Visual Earth, and NOAA. It can also synchronize with the Apple Maps application providing periodic location updates, as well as show the current position on Google Maps.

GPS Dashboard(圖7)-速報App

The Record Track feature can save GPS tracks and waypoints to a file (GPX or CSV). 

GPS Dashboard(圖8)-速報App

GPS Dashboard provides multiple display themes, and the user can customize the location, distance, altitude, and speed units.

A built-in SNTP server keeps your computer (and others) synchronized with GPS time.

There is an option to prevent the computer from sleeping.